close-up view of wall with handwritten text by Maxine Attard and drawings by James Nicholas Attard.

the two blocks of text between the drawings start as follows;

The art world has the audacity to tell who is an artist and who is not. It’s once again a system ruling over others. Some enjoy playing along. Others take abuse. Some merely survive. Others succumb. 27.5.23 He is an artist too. He says he is working hard to change his ‘mentality’.

and end as follows;

I had asked my brother long ago if he sees the glass half full or half empty. He thought about it for a moment. Then he asked if the glass was for drinking or for washing. And so what if the glass is half empty? Is it because you are trying to fit into a system that made you waste time and made you hold back from filling your glass to the full. Is this a question they pose to you so that you feel less guilty for succumbing to the system? Or to tell you that you are being negative? That is your thing? And I have been trying to push him into the system. We don’t want to be in this fucking system.

close-up view of wall with handwritten text by Maxine Attard and drawings by James Nicholas Attard.

the two blocks of text between the drawings start as follows;

The art world has the audacity to tell who is an artist and who is not. It’s once again a system ruling over others. Some enjoy playing along. Others take abuse. Some merely survive. Others succumb. 27.5.23 He is an artist too. He says he is working hard to change his ‘mentality’.

and end as follows;

I had asked my brother long ago if he sees the glass half full or half empty. He thought about it for a moment. Then he asked if the glass was for drinking or for washing. And so what if the glass is half empty? Is it because you are trying to fit into a system that made you waste time and made you hold back from filling your glass to the full. Is this a question they pose to you so that you feel less guilty for succumbing to the system? Or to tell you that you are being negative? That is your thing? And I have been trying to push him into the system. We don’t want to be in this fucking system.